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Tag: Farmers

Farm Moratorium? Democrats Are Intentionally Destroying Our Food Supply Over “Climate Change”

Farm Moratorium? Democrats Are Intentionally Destroying Our Food Supply Over “Climate Change”

Editor's Commentary: A story from Oregon caught my attention because of its focus on diesel fuel and the energy crisis, but by the second paragraph I realized the bigger part...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Top 7 Ways Biden Regime and Big Food Corporations Are Crippling Family-Owned Farms in America

Top 7 Ways Biden Regime and Big Food Corporations Are Crippling Family-Owned Farms in America

One of the keys to surviving the Democrat-led food and resource apocalypse is keeping local and family-run farms functioning in full capacity. The Leftists would call it a conspiracy by...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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How the War on Farmers Could Trigger a Famine

How the War on Farmers Could Trigger a Famine

International Man: Recently, we have seen governments in the Netherlands, and Canada move to shut down farms under the pretext of climate change. According to John Kerry, Biden’s “climate czar,”...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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