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Tag: Natural News

BIDENFLATION: American Hunger Soaring as Food Becomes Too Expensive for Many Families to Afford

BIDENFLATION: American Hunger Soaring as Food Becomes Too Expensive for Many Families to Afford

CMO's Commentary: THIS is just one of the reasons we have worked so hard over the past few weeks preparing to launch our frozen and freeze-dried beef company. As an...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Synthetic Food Market Projected to Hit $3 Trillion as Fake World Goes Nuts for Fake Food

Synthetic Food Market Projected to Hit $3 Trillion as Fake World Goes Nuts for Fake Food

Often referred to in the industry as “the bio revolution” or synbio (short for synthetic biology), fake food, according to the consulting firm McKinsey & Company, is projected to become a $3...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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FOOD VAX: Study Confirms Development of Oral mRNA “Vaccine” That’s Produced in Cow’s Milk

FOOD VAX: Study Confirms Development of Oral mRNA “Vaccine” That’s Produced in Cow’s Milk

Editor's Note: As we've promised from the start, we will NEVER allow our cows to get injected with mRNA "vaccines" no matter how safe the "science" claims they are. Chinese...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Stubborn Inflation Causes the Price of Big Macs to Soar

Stubborn Inflation Causes the Price of Big Macs to Soar

Editor's Note: As a food company, we must monitor food prices in America because we know the suffering that inflation and shortages are causing in our nation. Our concern for fast...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Armed Federal Agents Threaten Amish Farmer: Embrace Pesticides or Be Destroyed

Armed Federal Agents Threaten Amish Farmer: Embrace Pesticides or Be Destroyed

For the past nearly 10 years, the federal government has been targeting and harassing a Washington, D.C.-area Amish farm for elimination. Miller’s Organic Farm, as it is called, has been in the...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Prepper Medicine: 9 Medicinal Herbs to Plant in Your Home Garden

Prepper Medicine: 9 Medicinal Herbs to Plant in Your Home Garden

There are thousands of medicinal plants out there, but the nine herbs listed below can provide most of what you need to create a backyard pharmacy. If you grow these herbs...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Cattle Group Forms Special Task Force to Consider mRNA “Vaccination” of Food Animals

Cattle Group Forms Special Task Force to Consider mRNA “Vaccination” of Food Animals

The United States Cattlemen’s Association issued a statement this week acknowledging and supporting newly proposed legislation out of Missouri that would require all animal meat derived from animals given mRNA “vaccines” to...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Tyson Foods to Lay Off 10% of Corporate Workers, 15% of Leadership Team as Corporate America IMPLODES

Tyson Foods to Lay Off 10% of Corporate Workers, 15% of Leadership Team as Corporate America IMPLODES

The nation’s largest meat company is slashing jobs left and right as part of an ongoing cost-cutting effort to keep the business afloat. Due to declining profits and struggles to improve its...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Genetic and Biological Weaponry Continues to Be Deployed Across the Food Supply

Genetic and Biological Weaponry Continues to Be Deployed Across the Food Supply

Now that human beings are learning to reject mRNA vaccine experiments and associated biological warfare, there is a new global agenda that seeks to inject animals with mRNA bioweapons and taint...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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280 Million Americans Are NOT Prepared for Common SHTF Scenarios

280 Million Americans Are NOT Prepared for Common SHTF Scenarios

Prepping may be lesser known in your area and there’s a chance that you have no idea how important it is to be prepared for an emergency or disaster. According to different surveys...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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